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春意满园,梦想启航—— 2023 学年第二学期 G5-G9开学典礼



随后来自G6、G7、G8和G9四个年级的学生代表分别上台发表演讲。来自六年级一班的张嘉妍 Emily同学告诉大家如何做好从小学跨越到初中阶段学习状态的调整。她强调了学习中自主能力的培养,以及如何正视困难解决问题。



来自九年级一班的黄承钰 Joyce同学在演讲中提到了“心流”的学习方法,以及自律和毅力在培养好习惯的过程中的重要性。





Amid the din of crackers goes the departing year, and the winds of spring bring warmth to help the wine mature. After the Spring Festival, on the sunny and warm day of February 18th, the students of SSBS welcomed the beginning of a new semester. Secretary Ms. Hu of the General Party Branch,President Ms. Ma of the Primary and Junior High School Department,Teaching Director Ms. Zheng and Deputy Teaching Director Ms. Wu all attended the opening ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by teacher Ms. Yang Xiaohe.

A new semester marks a new beginning. As the Five-Star Red Flag slowly floated on the big screen, the solemn and respectful national anthem echoed throughout the auditorium. With a shout of "Salute!", the students paid their highest respect to the national flag.

In the second segment, student representatives from grades G6, G7, G8, and G9 took the stage to deliver speeches. Based on their own experiences, they shared how to handle interpersonal relationships in school and how to motivate themselves in daily life and studies. It is believed that the students will be inspired by these speeches and can achieve greater success in their academics and life.

After the student representatives finished speaking, the teacher representative Ms. Huang Siyu delivered a speech. She unfolded a timely topic: how to adapt to the changes of the times, which guides students how to make progress in the present. Meanwhile, Ms. Huang related on the Geiger–Marsden experiment and shared practical study methods to help students excel further in their academics.

The most exciting moment arrived with the company of stirring music. The awarded students walked on stage to receive their certificates. We hope that the students will continue to work hard and shine brightly in the new semester with this encouragement.

The opening ceremony has ended, but our new semester has just begun. We wish everyone could forge ahead and achieve the fulfillment of their expectations in the future.


整合校对:王静 张书宸

图片:陈煜 曲昊睿

