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喜报 USAP 2023全球站 星校学子勇毅笃行,再创辉煌

热烈庆祝我校学子在2023 USAP学术五项全能·全球站的挑战中获得金奖。从中国22支,海外36支优秀学校的队伍中脱颖而出。本次USAP全球站上海星河湾双语学校初中团队共获得25枚奖牌。10金9银6铜,展现了星校学子卓越的个人能力和团队合作精神。

李心然 Yoyo

Last year, I was honored to attend the USAP competition. The theme, “the age of transformation”, already brings to us a clear picture of people abandoning their traditional ways of living and working towards change, revolution, and exploration of new moral standards as well as more ways to improve human society. Throughout the history books handed out by the USAP committee, we see people striving toward better futures, changing their beliefs about politics, and fighting for a common, shared future of humanity. At that time, Americans were proclaiming liberty; artisans were changing their work by experimenting with machines; and composers were altering their music styles to express their own emotions. Everyone’s views were altering. People started revolutionizing society into a diversified, brand-new world of endless possibilities and their wildest dreams.

For the duration of the competition, we as a team collaborated and learned together. There are certainly challenges in the whole experience, but the joy of learning about people’s lives compensates for the long time I spent researching topics. The legendary chemist Lavoisier discovered oxygen and gave many gases their present names. Many historical stories told of epic battles during the Revolutionary War and the accomplishments generals achieved fascinated me.

After completing the competition, we understood that the meaning of this experience is way more than academics. Looking back at that time in the present, we can see how we have progressed since the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Humans learned to use machines to pave the road for more efficient and cheaper production; we set foot on the Moon and launched satellites for the well-being of every single human in the world; We learned to utilize atom bombs, but through this innovation, we knew the importance to cherish peace; we are bringing our wildest dreams into reality. No matter good or bad, no matter easy or hard, humans are embarking on a journey of infinite possibilities and transforming our fantasies into real life. This competition is only the start of our exploration. I hope we can bring the interesting pieces of information that we learned from USAP and create our part of the society, making the latter better and achieving more in the future.

张林辰玥 Celine

Participating in USAP is the hardest venture I have ever gone through in my academic life. It is a challenging task at the very beginning because there were an immense amount of fresh new knowledge to learn and to memorize in a short period. Covering five different subjects, the assignments were packed with scope in width and magnitude in depth.

This year the theme is “Age of Transformation”. During a few months of self learning, I indulged myself in the Industrial Revolutions and scientific breakthroughs which transformed the civilization and global economy, in the enchanting biographies of key figures who brought “small steps’ to humanity, and in the intangible and tangible cultural assets which have been inherited since then and developed further in modern times.

Along with teammates, we supported and collaborated with each other intimately. This made the entire preparation an extraordinary experience with joy. Studying in group, being responsible for Fine Arts and Social Studies and tutoring other team members were exciting and rewarding for me. In the meantime, I felt so lucky that I found the ones I am delighted to work with. They became my lifelong friends whom I will forever cherish.

On the memorable day of July 8th, I was absolutely thrilled by the result that our team won the first prize of 2023 USAP national competition. However, it is more joyful that I finally realized what the journey of “age of transformation” meant for myself: confident, resilient, and collaborative.

Last but not least, it has been my great honor to be part of the best ever team “星辰大海” of SSBS - Thank you my teammates! Our journey is a sea of stars. I am coming to you!


我非常荣幸能参加2023年的USAP五项全能比赛,今年的主题是”The age of transformation “ 在18世纪60年代后期,世界上发生了大规模的工业革命,人们逐渐放弃了手作,走向了机器工业的大门。在这个时代,出现了许多伟大的发明家与科学家;我们在科学学习中详细了解了像拉瓦锡一样的科学家,他们为了追求真理做了无数次的实验,经历了无数次的失败,但是却坚持不懈。这就像我们在此次比赛中对知识的追求一样,队里的每个人都付出了十倍的努力,最后也获得了相对应的回报。我非常感激,能有机会了解到第一次工业革命背后许许多多的科学家的故事,让我对这段历史有了更深刻的理解。让我们用自己的知识化作脚步,去丈量这深奥的世界吧!




